nail polish you can pray with

The Question: I would like to ask whether it is okay to pray with nail polish on? I have heard my prayer is not valid if I offer salah with either nail polish on my toenail or fingernail.

There is nothing inherently wrong with nail polish itself, the issue of wearing nail polish for prayer comes from not being able to properly complete wudu:

Can I Pray Salah With Nail Polish On? - Nail Polish You Can Pray With

“O, you who have believed, when you rise to [perform] prayer, wash your faces and your forearms to the elbows and wipe over your heads and wash your feet to the ankles”.

The Washable & Halal Nail Polish Collection

From this verse, one of the four obligatory fardh actions of Wudu is to wash our hands up until the elbows. What the belief among fiqh jurists is, if nails are polished, wudu will not be valid because applying the nail polish creates a layer which serves as a barrier preventing water from coming into contact with the skin.

As a result wudu has not been properly performed due to the abrogation of the fardh. Water did not cover from hands to the elbow, or in the case of toe nail polish, from the feet to the ankles.

If there was a condition of Janabah, it would be obligatory to wash the whole body in this case. Once again because you have nail polish the ghusl would be incomplete. So in both cases, wudu and ghusl cannot be completed because of the layer of polish.

Orly Breathable Nail Polish Halal

Knowing this your prayer would be deemed as not valid and you cannot pray the salah. If you were ignorant to this fact in the past your prayer will have been accepted, Allah is merciful, but moving forward you will have intentionally not completed a fardh of the salah which is wrong.

In the case of henna, if the base of the henna is firmed on the nails of the hands and the feet, then it is mandatory to finish that base first. But the color of the henna is not restricted by the water. It is the only color on the nails of hands and feet etc. and the water reaches to the skin of nails, so it does not hinder the performance of wudu and hence you can pray salah.

There is a category of nail polish which is said to be “breathable” which does not obstruct the flow of water to the skin. Since the water reaches below it, such nail polish will not be prohibited for wudu.

What Is Halal, And What Does It Have To Do With Nail Polish?

Applying the nail polish after you complete wudu is acceptable. But if something happens in the day that ‘breaks’ your wudu then you would need to remove the polish and complete Wudu again which can be cumbersome. For a devout practicing Muslimah, it may be easier to just avoid wearing the nail polish altogether.

It should be noted that if impure materials (material which is Haram in our religion) is used in the nail polish, it would not be permissible to apply it on the nails. But this is a minority of cases, the main issue is the nail polish causes a firm layer, that needs to be removed by chemicals, and this prevents water from reaching the skin of nails. For this reason, the Salah cannot be performed.

Hopefully, this article brought some clarity. If you have any further questions or comments please write below and we’ll answer them here. Jazakallah.

Muslims Can Finally Wear Nail Polish With This Formula

“Take on only as much as you can do of good deeds, for the best of deeds is that which is done consistently, even if it is little.”When you think about nail polish, the first thing that comes to your mind is colorful shades. However, have you ever thought about what's inside those bright shades? Is it breathable? Knowing what you apply to your skin or body is as important as what you put inside your body. 

Typical, nail polishes have porosity (oxygen and moisture) that damages your nails. It doesn't allow air and water to pass through. That's why people are demanding breathable/halal and sophisticated skin care products. 

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The Arabic word "halal" translates to "permissible" by Islamic Law. It's contrasted by "haram, " which describes anything unlawful in accordance with Islamic law. Any product that doesn't involve porcine, animal meat, or alcohol is halal. Halal products are the best for keeping your nails and body aesthetically beautiful.

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No, most beauty products on the market by mainstream brands are not halal. In the past, there was no concept of halal products due to the lack of awareness. Most cosmetic or beauty products contained pork meat and meat of animals slaughtered improperly. 

However, there has been a quick surge of halal products in recent years. According to a study, the halal cosmetic business is worth over $560 million globally, which is enormous. This is because people are rapidly buying things that don't involve non-vegan or alcoholic material. In order for a product to be considered halal, it must be manufactured, produced, and composed of ingredients permissible by Islamic law. 

So, products containing animal byproducts or forbidden ingredients such as alcohol are considered haram. Halal products have made life easy for everyone, specifically Muslim women. Now, they can perform their religious duties without worrying that maybe the nail paint they've put on isn't halal. 

What Is Halal Nail Polish?

Typical nail polish made by mainstream brands often contains prohibited ingredients such as alcohol and animal byproducts. This isn't the only reason Muslim women usually avoid them. When applied, mainstream nail polish also creates an impermeable layer, blocking water from getting to the nail bed. 

Although this doesn't make mainstream nail polish haram (Unlawful in accordance with Islamic law), it does cause a considerable inconvenience to practicing Muslims. Why? Muslims pray five times a day. Before performing prayers, a cleansing ritual (Ablution/Wudu) is required in Islam. Wudu/Ablution is a process where the entire body is cleansed, including the nails. 

Can A Muslim Woman Wear Breathable Nail Polish? - Nail Polish You Can Pray With

The impermeable layer over the nail bed created by typical nail polish acts as a barrier to water. This does not allow nails to be cleansed during Ablution. So, if a practicing Muslim wanted to wear nail polish, they would need to remove it and reapply it after each prayer. It sounds like quite the inconvenience, right? 

Inglot O2m: The Halal Nail Polish

That's why nail paints are prohibited in Islam. However, now there are multiple halal cosmetic products available. You can get a halal/water permeability nail paint that doesn't require you to remove it every time you offer prayer.

Halal nail polish is manufactured and produced in accordance with Islamic law. It does not contain animal byproducts or prohibited ingredients. It has a unique breathable nail polish formula . Here is a list of ingredients that are typically used to manufacture halal nail polishes:

This formula is what differentiates it from mainstream nail polish. All the ingredients used in this are halal and don't involve any meat or alcoholic substance. It also allows water and oxygen to permeate through it. The breathability aspect of halal nail polish makes it possible to perform Ablution or Wudu with nail polish on, providing a long-overdue solution to Muslim women.

Halal Nail Polish And The Islamic Perspective

Yes, halal nail polish can be used during Ablution. However, keeping your hands and nails under water for a few seconds is good as water takes time to reach the nail bed. Also, we recommend using up to two thin coats to maximize permeability. Ensure to rub each nail at least once under running water during Ablution. The amount of time you rub does not matter as long as you thoroughly rub each nail. 

People usually think that if a product is vegan, it must be halal. That's not true. There's a fragile line present between halal and vegan products. Something can be vegan but not halal. So how to find the difference between Vegan and halal nail polish? Vegan nail polish is free of animal byproducts but may still contain prohibited ingredients such as alcohol. 

UPDATED: Is Breathable Nail Polish Sufficient For Wuḍū'? - Nail Polish You Can Pray With

However, halal nail polishes are free from prohibited alcohol also. There are various things written on halal nail paints, such as alcohol-free, chemical-free, and completely vegan. So, don't forget to check out the ingredients written before buying any nail paint. This will help you purchase halal and vegan nail paint. Instead of ending up with only vegan nail paint.

Halal Nail Polish Or Nail Stain Hits The Market! » Hidden Pearls

Mainstream or typical nail polishes block oxygen and water movement through your nails. This causes your nails to become brittle and dry. However, halal nail polishes save you from this trouble. Besides being breathable, halal nail polishes offer many other benefits, such as:

Oily nails mean your nail polish will not stay or grip on your nails. This causes chipping on your fingers, and that can be pretty frustrating. That's where breathable or halal nail paint helps you. It has an extraordinarily longer gripping time on your nails. So, you can enjoy perfectly painted nails for more than a week, and your manicure stays intact. Also, no more chipping, sounds impressive, right?

Halal nail polishes dry quickly because they allow oxygen or air to pass through, shortening the drying period. Quick-drying means less waiting time, and less waiting time means no smudges at all. Hence, applying a double coat of paint does not need to make your nails look neater.

Let It Slide Nail Polish By Kbshimmer

nail polish you can pray with. There are any nail polish you can pray with in here.
